“Tsugaru no Kamari” Ishigaki Island Screening

Director Koichi Onishi traces the life of the late first generation Tsugaru shamisen star Takeyama Takahashi, delving into the spirit of northern Tohoku contained in the sound of the shamisen. A documentary that reveals the essence of the charm of Tsugaru shamisen, focusing on the journey to confirm it.

“Tsugaru no Kamari” Ishigaki Island Screening
Director Koichi Onishi talk included ~
There will be a mini live performance of Mongolian Batoqin and Homie.
Date and time: October 17, 2022㈪
Doors open 18:00 Performance starts 19:00
(Mini live before screening/104 minutes screening/After screening talk show with director Koichi Onishi)
Price: 2,000 yen (1 drink included)